What is the secret of success ? || How to be successfull || How to achieve goal ?

 What is the secret of success? || How to be a successfull || How to achieve Goal ?

 From the success of a student to the victory of the football team, from winning an election to running a company, what are the factors behind success? "Good fortune"? The "line of fate"? "Coincidences"? "Having a solid back"? "It's a coincidence"? "Believe that you will succeed"?

Success is the ability to use the energy required for a job in the most appropriate, most economical and effective way.

This energy can be human power, machine or information. What is important here is the correct organization of the energy use necessary for success.

After each success, the right programs complete the plan. If the "targeting" and "timing" processes of the plan and program are well calculated, if the energy organization is well done, success will come to you.

Here, the “human factor” is the main factor for the correct operation of this process. If you cannot see and develop the “human factor”, you cannot be successful even if you have money or machines. What you will do is waste "energy" for nothing.

It is necessary to see five important factors of “human success”:

1. Desire (motivation):

The first condition for a person to be successful is to be able to say, “I want to do this”. Without "desire", neither the student studies, nor the football player, nor the company staff can work efficiently.

Our mistake is that we substitute "force", "enforce", "condition", "deceive" instead. If you confront a person and say, “You have to do this, or you will starve,” that person will do as you say, but will not feel the desire. Our education system does this, our working life does this, and therefore it is not successful.

"Motivation" is not motivation, it should be able to arouse the desire to do that job. This is the first step to success.

2. Hardware (condition):

The word “condition” literally means “condition”, “condition”, but here “equipment” expresses the meaning better. One must acquire the necessary “equipment” for success. A person's knowledge, acquisition of appropriate behavior, development of skills, and enhancement of competence create an infrastructure with features for every subject.

“Disciplined work” is a prerequisite for acquiring equipment. No success can be achieved without "disciplined work". At that time, excuses such as "He was not on his day", "He was in a bad mood", "He had bad luck", "He was offended" would take shelter behind excuses.

No one can achieve a reliable success without providing “proper equipment-condition”. This is a subject that we do not know much about, and we do not like at all. It is almost impossible to carry out disciplined work without the perfection of the human personality.

Because this discipline will not be forced by someone else, but by "self-discipline".

3. Ability to do (performance):

“Demanding” and “equipment” are not enough for success. The power to "do" what needs to be done must be at the appropriate level at the appropriate time. This can be demonstrated by detailed studies specific to each subject.

“The power to do” cannot and should not be at the same level at all times. Here, if the "relaxation-stretching" techniques are used correctly, "condensation-concentration" happens if the time is right. A good study program should include rest, fun and relaxation as well as work.

Instead of doing this, constantly saying "Work", unfairly criticizing, belittling, humiliating the person are behaviors that reduce or even destroy their "power to do".

4. Interpretetion:

An important condition of being successful is “the ability to evaluate one's own situation”. A person who cannot evaluate his own situation can neither understand his desire, grasp his equipment, nor measure his power to do it.

In this case, someone else always needs to evaluate it, which means a lack of self-confidence. People who lack personality development and cannot take responsibility cannot “evaluate themselves”.

In this case, we always look at what others say, which makes a person a "passive tool". This issue is one of the most important factors of success or failure.

5. Correction:

The next step after the "evaluation" is to "correct" the mistakes. Ignoring faults and deficiencies or shifting them to other people or other factors will result in their persistence.

In this case, too, success becomes increasingly distant. However, "correcting the wrong" and "completing the deficiencies" with timely evaluation and criticism are the basic conditions for the success of the work done.

The truth behind the "hands to the moon, we're pedestrian" whining lies in not knowing them. This is why we cannot be a producer or get rid of being a consumer.

Instead of complaining that "they are using us", there is no other way but to whine unless you put the "power to use yourself".

It is not enough to say "What will happen to this country"...

Author : Muhammad Azhar Mukhtar

And a parable of Emin Effort … “Success comes to those who desire it and are ready. Capa, who made the analogy of "Success is like love", said, "Just as you have to go out to find the love of your life, you will also desire it for success, you will chase it. Newton was ready, Archimedes was ready,” he continues.

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