Facebook Ad IQ Academy | Maxwell Finn | 2021 Free Download || Azhar PC Academy


Building Your Foundation

  • The Facebook Pixel
  • Advanced Custom Audiences
  • Competition Spying
  • Closer Look At Behavioral And Demographic Targeting Options
  • Setting Up Automation Rules
  • Creative and Copy Inspiration and Testing

Ad Type Breakdown

  • Creating Canvas Ads
  • Creating Collection Ads
  • Creating Offer Ads
  • Creating Sponsored Message Ads
  • Intro To Dynamic Product Ads
  • Product Catalog & DPA Feed Creation
  • Creating Dynamic Product Ads

Data Is King

  • Knowing Your Numbers With Reports
  • Deep Dive Into Reporting
  • Facebook Analytics
  • Using UTMs For Better Tracking

My Funnels & Advanced Strategies

  • Selling With Facebook Live
  • The Free + Shipping Funnel Part 1
  • The Free + Shipping Funnel Part 2
  • Smart From Scratch Course Launch Strategy Part 1
  • Smart From Scratch Course Launch Strategy Part 2
  • Smart From Scratch Course Launch Strategy Part 3
  • The Foundation Of All My Facebook Campaigns
  • Video Ad Funnel
  • The Thank You Ad
  • Turning Photos Into Videos
  • The Post Purchase Retargeting Funnel
  • Overwhelming Value Lead Gen Campaign
  • Kevin Harrington Lead Generation Campaign

The Future Is Messenger

  • Getting Started With Messenger
  • Messenger Automation
  • Growing Your Messenger Audience

Profitably Scaling

  • Intro To Manual Bidding
  • Manual Bidding Part 2
  • The 20% Scaling Rule

Power Tools

  • ConnectRetarget
  • Sniply
  • CartHook
  • Zipify Pages


  • 6 Facebook Ads You Need To Run
  • My Presentation For Ezra Firestone’s Ecom Allstars Event

Funnel Blueprints

  • The Gold Standard
  • Cold Traffic
  • Manual Bidding
  • Free + Shipping
  • Pat Flynn
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