08 Online Free Programming Courses with Certificates

08 Programming Certifications Courses

1. Programming Foundations: Fundamentals

Prepare to learn the fundamental concepts, practices, and terminology of programming in this introductory course.

Course rating: 54,974 total enrollments

The course includes:

Programming Basics

Programming Syntax

Variables and Data Types

Conditional Code

Modular Code

The course includes:

Writing source code

Basic statements and expressions

Working with numbers and strings

Writing conditional code

Increasing your efficiency with functions

Working with comments

Making decisions in code

Troubleshooting errors

Learning about other languages

This course uses Python to explore the core concepts and structure of programming languages and helps you grasp what’s going on under the hood. After going over basic statements and expressions in Python, the course explores strings, variables, and conditional code—which are common topics in all programming languages.

You will also learn how to work with different kinds of data and troubleshoot a variety of errors. Along the way, the course compares how code is written in several different languages and provides guidance on the criteria to use when choosing a programming language.

Upon wrapping up this course, you will have the knowledge you need to continue your coding journey in whichever language piques your interest.

You can take Programming Foundations: Fundamentals Certificate Course on LinkedIn.

2. Programming Foundations: Databases Online Class

Learn the fundamentals of database programming. Find out how to build a database, define relationships, and write queries.

Course rating: 45,025 total enrollments

The course includes:

Database Foundations



Database Optimization

Querying a Database

Querying a Database

This course provides the foundation you need to get started in database programming. Explore the terminology: normal forms, ACID and CRUD, referential integrity, transactions, records, and tables.

You will learn what role keys and unique values play in a relational model. Discover how to design the best system to contain your data, starting with the tables and relationships at the core of your database.

Finally, you will find out how to write queries to extract the data you need, and how to juggle the different demands of storage, access, performance, and security.

You can take Programming Foundations: Databases Online Class Certificate Course on LinkedIn.

3. Succeeding in Web Development: Full Stack and Front End

Do you want to become a web developer? Learn about the skills and tools you need to get a job as a front-end, back-end, or full-stack web developer.

Course rating: 24,704 total enrollments

In this course you will learn:

Core technologies

Core concepts

Supporting technologies


The course includes:

Types of web developers

The role of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Server technologies

Getting web development training

Choosing the right tools

Getting a job

Negotiating your salary

This course provides a map of the core technologies and advice about mastering them, complemented with the details you need to connect them to jobs. It also provides tips on finding training, getting hired, and maximizing your earning potential in this lucrative and exciting field.

You can take Succeeding in Web Development: Full Stack and Front End Certificate Course on LinkedIn.

4. HTML Essential Training

Learn how to write HTML, the programming language that powers the web.

Course rating: 40,454 total enrollments

The course includes:

The basic syntax of HTML elements

Formatting content

Displaying images

Creating links

Global HTML attributes

Building navigation

Structuring content

Building forms

Creating tables

Learn how to craft excellent HTML with the pieces that HTML itself has to offer. The course highlights all of the fundamental concepts you need to use HTML thoughtfully. It focuses on semantic markup: tagging content as what it is, and not just for formatting, convention, or convenience.

This has far-reaching impact for those who consume the web differently; it ensures that when a screen reader or a system (like a search engine) consumes a page, it knows exactly what it contains and how to categorize that information.

You can take HTML Essential Training Certificate Course on LinkedIn.

5. Become a Customer Service Specialist

Get the skills you need to become a great customer service specialist with LinkedIn .

Course rating: 160,707 total enrollments

In this course, you will learn how to:

build key listening skills so your customers feel heard.

develop your customer service problem-solving skills.

de-escalate challenging situations.

The course includes:

Customer Service Foundations

Customer Service: Problem Solving and Troubleshooting

Building Rapport with Customers

Customer Service: Call Control Strategies

Customer Service: Handling Abusive Customers

Creating Positive Conversations with Challenging Customers

De-Escalating Intense Situations

Customer Service: Serving Customers Through Chat and Text

Here, you will discover how to provide great customer service and make your customers feel heard. Develop and sustain great relationships, even when customers get abusive or unruly. You will learn skills to listen to customer needs, build rapport with those you're helping, and turn challenging customers into true allies.

You can take Become a Customer Service Specialist Certificate Course on LinkedIn.

6. JavaScript Essential Training (2017) Online Class

Get hands-on experience scripting in JavaScript. Learn how to work with objects, variables, data types, conditionals, functions, loops, closures, the DOM, ES6, and more.

Course rating: 92,322 total enrollments

The course includes:

JavaScript: An Introduction

The Basics

Working with data

Functions and Objects

JavaScript and the DOM, Part 1: Changing DOM Elements

Project: Create an Analog Clock

JavaScript and the DOM, Part 2: Events

Project: Typing Speed Tester


Project: Automated Responsive Images Markup

Troubleshooting, Validating, and Minifying JavaScript

This course helps you build your understanding of JavaScript piece by piece, from core principles like variables, data types, conditionals, and functions through advanced topics including loops, closures, and DOM scripting. Along the way, you will also be introduced to some ES6 and the basics of JavaScript libraries.

You can take JavaScript Essential Training (2017) Online Class Certificate Course on LinkedIn.

7. Learning Python Online Class

Get started with Python, the popular and highly readable object-oriented language.

Course rating: 198,260 total enrollments

The course includes:

Installing Python

Choosing an editor or IDE

Working with variables and expressions

Writing loops

Using the date, time, and datetime classes

Reading and writing files

Fetching internet data

Parsing and processing HTML

This course provides an overview of the installation process, basic Python syntax, and an example of how to construct and run a simple Python program. Learn to work with dates and times, read and write files, and retrieve and parse HTML, JSON, and XML data from the web.

You can take Learning Python Online Class Certificate Course on LinkedIn.

8. Learning SQL Programming Online Class

Learn the basics of SQL, the programming language for retrieving and editing data from databases such as SQL Server, MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL.

Course rating: 81,473 total enrollments

The course includes:

Asking for Data from a Database

Asking for Data from Two or More Tables

Data Types, Math, and Helpful Functions

Adding or Modifying Data

This course provides an introduction to this core programming language. Learn how to request data from a server, limit and sort the responses, aggregate data from multiple tables with joins, and edit and delete data. It also shows how to perform simple math operations and transform data into different formats.

You can take Learning SQL Programming Online Class Certificate Course on LinkedIn. 

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