Video Editing with Final Cut Pro X – From Beginner to YouTuber Free Download || Azhar PC Academy

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About This Class

Video Editing with Final Cut Pro X – From Beginner to YouTuber

In this class, you’ll learn everything you need to get started with Final Cut Pro, and how to take your editing to the next level. We’ll work together to create a YouTube-style video following a 3-part workflow.

  1. A-Cut Assembly – We’ll create our project, import our footage, and get to assembling the A-cut. We’ll learn how use In and Out points effectively, how to append footage to our timeline and how to cut out all the inevitable mistakes and pauses to form a sharp, snappy edit. And we’ll learn a tonne of keyboard shortcuts on the way to make the process as efficient as possible.
  2. B-Roll Shenanigans – With our A-cut sorted, we’ll make our edit more interesting by adding B-roll – second camera clips, titles, transitions, lower thirds, images, screen recordings and even handwritten animations.
  3. Coats of Polish – We’ll add background music to sound more pro, sound effects to our titles and transitions, vocal effects to our audio track (compression and EQ) and colour grading to give our edit the look and feel we crave.

Hands-on Class Project

We’ll be making our own ‘Monthly Favourites’ video, using all these techniques to put together a snappy edit with some simple B roll.

The Project

Film, edit and share your own Monthly Favourites video where you talk about up to 4 things that you’ve discovered or enjoyed this month.

If you’re brand new to video editing, or just want to get your feet wet, feel free to choose just 1 item that you’ll talk about on camera.

Filming the Video

This class focuses on editing, and so we’ve skipped past the filming stage. To keep things simple, if you don’t have a camera setup or don’t have any experience in filming yourself, please use your phone . Just turn your phone landscape, and using the default camera app, film a selfie-video of yourself talking about your Monthly Favourite(s).

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