12. Soft Skills for Sales Professionals Online Class with Certificate || Azhar PC Academy

12. Soft Skills for Sales Professionals Online Class

Learn how to build your soft sales skills to better connect with—and ultimately sell to—your customers.

Course rating: 31,548 total enrollments

The course includes:

What are soft skills?

Why soft skills matter in sales

Connecting with your customer

Developing your emotional intelligence for sales

Collaborating effectively with your team

Being confident in your sales decisions

Building your empathy muscle in sales

Integrating soft sales skills with hard sales skills

Leveraging storytelling in sales

This course covers soft skills in depth, sharing strategies that can help you bolster your emotional intelligence and communicate more effectively with prospects. It begins by explaining why soft skills are crucial to sales success.

Then, it dives into some of the most essential soft sales skills, including building connections, listening, and selling with greater emotional intelligence. The course also uses real-world scenarios that help illustrate soft skills in action throughout.

You can take Soft Skills for Sales Professionals Online Class Certificate Course on LinkedIn.

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